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Blueprint editor

A visual editor for blueprints, which would administrate all the yaml settings for you.

4 years ago

This would really help speed up kirby dev, I always mess up the yml indentation and live in the field docs.

4 years ago

A visual editor which shows all possibilities, depending on the fieldtype, would really speed up the whole building-process for new websites. For now, i always have to switch between searching the docs, editing the blueprint and reload the panel.

4 years ago

It would also be interesting to edit blueprints from within the actual page view. Like changing field order in the panel directly.

4 years ago

Oh, my, goodness, yes please. I would love this. I dislike editing YAML or trying to remember how to structure blueprints or what options are available for each field/structure/extends/defaults/templates/etc., etc. This is an awesome idea.

4 years ago

The concept of coding up the blueprints is a plus in my book. I found that a visual builder gets very clicky (e.g. lots of click, inputs, selects, clicks… ) Ever use Processwire? Coding those blueprints does require some referencing from time to time, but it’s very fast and efficient (plus ditches any bloat required to make that process visual).

4 years ago

@Chris I guess this will not change, you can still edit manually.

4 years ago

@Chris I’ve used processwire and statamic and both offer a very helpful visual interface for creating blueprints - i really like them!

4 years ago

I also support your answer Maxwell! It’s just a graphical interface that helps us to write YAML files. That’s it. I really don’t understand people who object to such optional features. Presumably, as a protest, they only use operating systems without an UI and remember telephone numbers instead of storing contacts in their mobile phones. 😉

2 years ago

Every feature has a technical debt. This feature, the ability to visually compose all options of a blueprint, is no small feat. I’d imagine it would add some debt. Maybe that’s a larger install size, more server resources to run this particular feature, additional documentation, potential security risks, potential compatabilty issues, etc.

The more you have, the more you have to maintain. Every time Kirby has some blueprint enhancement this feature would need to be worked on, documentation updated, etc. That’s a lot of time invested for the Kirby team. And for what, the ability to compose blueprints which is already possible? I’d rather see time invested in improving my end-product to the client, the best content managing expierence possible.

2 years ago

At the same time, not having this feature is also a debt because it turns people away from using the system in the first place and less licenses are sold.

2 years ago

There’s no need to turn this into a heated debate. There are good arguments on both sides. Our position is that we have been working on this for a very long time on an on/off basis. The power of our blueprints is that they are very flexible with tons of options and ways to combine and extend sections and fields. This flexibility leaves us with a very complicated baseline to build a blueprint editor and this is what we still struggle with. A lot of the work for v4 has been about new interface foundations that we need for the editor. I.e. the full-width interface, new drawer API and other stuff.

We still need a good way to support field and section plugins. We will need a good way to handle extended sections and fields and the editor needs to be able to auto-generate the settings UI for fields and sections from code. Otherwise this will turn into an ongoing monster project with every change.

I can only say that we also think that such an editor would move Kirby forward and that we spend a lot of energy on it already and will keep on doing so. But we don’t have an ETA for it yet. Please, don’t argue over it. I’m sure that we will find a good solution for everyone in the end and of course it will always be possible to just keep on writing YAML if you don’t need or like it.

2 years ago

I think adding a

  • 'editable: true/false' option for YAML/Blueprint files and
  • a config flag along the lines of 'editable-blueprints' => ['blueprintA', 'BlueprintB', 'user-generated']

could solve some issues. It could allow adding template-blueprints to the list of editable ones and allowing/disallowing user-generated ones.

If I create a blueprint for a custom template file, I’d like to stop users from editing the blueprint — as that will also edit the blueprint for all users of that installtion and might break it. But some bleuprints would be nice if the user could edit it.

a year ago

I come from Craft Cms. For me it has been a game changer to only work with text files in the panel instead of klicking and draging fields. YML files have so much more benefits and it is such a joy to add a fields and sections. Want to change layout. Bam it’s done! Want to add 10 fields. Bam it’s done. Add a tab: Bam it’s done! IMO it would be a waste of time! YML is so much faster and efficient. And frankly: it’s so damn easy! I can understand the urge for a blueprint editor, but please! NO! Sometimes limitations are forcing us into something better!

9 months ago

If the team sees it as possible, is working on it and would make it optional to use, I see it as a great addition. Particularly for quick protos. I also imagine this as happening directly in the corresponding panel view: I create a new page in the panel, and ( because of my role ) I can activate blueprint editing, add some fields, move them around, see how they are better layed out quickly. Then move to yaml for more nuanced control if I need to. I presume they won’t release it unless it is 100% capable of doing everything that we can do with yaml, which seems like a huge feat. We’ll see! Good luck with it :)

2 months ago

I agree with @Jaume Ferrete — to me a good solution feels like the Terminal + UI approach of a modern OS. You can do a lot in the UI, but to really dive deep into the OS, you need to use the Terminal. This philosphy/differentiation could also work for a Blueprint editor, I think.

a month ago