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Let us know how we can improve. Vote on existing ideas or suggest new ones.
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Blueprint editor
A visual editor for blueprints, which would administrate all the yaml settings for you.
More extensive field conditions
Currently it's only possible to use Conditional Fields by adding one or multiple conditions to fields. "Show this field when this other field has the value X". It's not possible
Revisions system
Actually it's a pain for content editors that there's no built in revisioning or backup system. A simple versioning for files to move backwards 2 or 3 steps would be awesome! A simple content lifecycle as found in plugins (publish later) would be
In progress
Optional, Native Database Storage
Flat-file is fast and flexible, but in the few cases when there's thousands and thousands of records to search through, we do need a database: MySQL (available in most shared hosts) - or even SQLite would do. That'll make Kirby suitable for ANY proj
Bulk edit or delete pages/files
A possibility to delete and/or edit multiple pages or files at the same time.
In upcoming releases
Limit user's Panel access to specific page(s)
Let me restrict a user's access in the Panel (either per user or per role) to one or multiple pages (with subpages).
Live preview for the Panel
It would be great to have a way to preview all content changes immediately side by side to the Panel.
Permissions: disable/hide section, column, tab
Depending on the current user role, it should be possible to disable or hide sections, columns and tabs.
Static site generator
It would be awesome to be able to simply generate static websites from the Panel. Something a bit like d4l’s plugin but built-in.
Inline editing in structure field table
I currently have a usecase where I work a lot with structure fields. But I find the current solution with modals rather difficult to use if you have to enter many records one after the other. With a possibility to edit the table view of the structur
Layout field: min/max blocks
Blocks are very similar to structure field and limits are useful. For example you want to use them for "slot". Or if i have two colum layout i want people to be able to add only single block to each colum (image and text). Not sure if min/max on la
Allow all Panel fields to be translatable by placeholders
As detailed in this forum thread: currently some labels in Panel can not be translated by using placeholders. This blocks a complex admin panel from relying 100% on external translat
Ability to set settings for each layout column
Currently there is no way to set column specific settings on the layout without some rather complex and not neat solutions. Examples would be you one row to have different font, or different background colour/image. Currently these settings would
Chunked file uploads for the Panel
As it happens, many of our customers are using Kirby 3 on their webspaces with some limitations to PHP uploads. Some of them can't change max post filesize on their PHP.ini due to restrictions. Others are using CDN like proxies like Cloudflare which
In upcoming releases
Cachebuster in core
There's only one plugin I always "forget to install" until the project is on the server and I need it. And then to install one I need to change an .htaccess file or worse. Kirby already does cachebusting for images and panel plugin assets, it woul
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